L i b r a r y P i o n e e r
Journal of Respiratory and Pulmonary Diseases

Journal of Respiratory and Pulmonary Diseases

Current Issue

We are currently preparing this issue. If you are interested then you can contribute your submission to [email protected]. If you want to proceed with online submission you can follow the below link. You will need to be a register user to submit your manuscript.


An optional research article manuscript template can be downloaded below.

Commonly asked questions

  • General information

    Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author or the email id that is provided within 72 hours for the respective submitted manuscript.

    • 14 days review process with international peer-review standards
    • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
    • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance

  • Do I have to pay if my manuscript is rejected?

    No, article processing charges will not be applicable for articles rejected by the editorial office.